domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017

Evaluation of the Presentation of "Cooperative learning". OTHERSIDERS group

EVALUATION of Umaima Kassemi Serroukh

I really enjoyed their logo, they have been very innovative in this aspect. 
The presentation was very simple but the information was well organized and summarized and concrete which I really appreciate since I have understood many theoretical aspects better. I could notice Marta and Ana more participatory and knowing more about the game and theory. But they agreed that they all worked the same, so I trust them. 
The video motivated me to follow the presentation since I found it in connection with the theory and very enjoyable. 
Coming back to the theoretical part, they explained very well the characteristics of the roles working in a cooperative environment, such as that they must be rotative, they must include personal tasks and commitment. And also about teacher´s role who must be specific. 

Once again, another group give us a creative activity which catches our attention. It was a simple one although I would fin easier clear instructions about how to play. Some of the questions were very specific and complex. 

They worked on TGT technique and we had the possibility to understand better how to apply it in a cooperative way.  They also make us being actively engaged trying to answer the questions as fast as possible in order to get the first, this is, the points.

Well done!!! 😛

EVALUATION of Raquel Ezquerra Rodríguez

I think this group could have done it a lot better. It gave me the impression that not all the members were involved enough on the project.  

On the one hand, there where great parts of the presentation. The concepts where very well explained, with detail. The video of the animals working cooperatively was very funny and it showed the idea very clear. And, they did an entertaining activity, dynamic, fun, useful, and good for learning. 

On the other hand, there are some things to improve. The presentation didn’t get attention at all, there was too much writing and the lyrics were quite small. They spoke to the teacher and not to the audience, and the corporal position was not appropriated, like relying on the wall or sitting on a desk. And, there was not an equal participation of all the group members, not enough group preparation in this aspect.

You have more potential. I’m sure you’ll improve as a group for the next project, keep working. 👍💪

EVALUATION of Celeste Escalera Béjar

Good job. The video was very innovative and creative, it present us the idea of working cooperatively very well.
Good job. The content was very good selected and explained.
Work on it. Nevertheless, the presentation of the powerpoint was a little bit faint, it could have been more colorfull.
Work on it. It seems like most of the people know the topic but some not, at class some of the members posture was relaxed instead of active. As well, it looks like a person did all the job.
Good job. The activity you preapred was very creative, interactive, dynamic and too cooperative. It show us how TGT technique consist on: a topic is presented to the class, they work on it in base groups, an activity is prepared for them, all the members of the group discuss about it and they choose a solution, then when they know the solution a member of the group ( in representation of all) sais the answer and if they answer correctly they win a "point".

Well done travelchers 💪

EVALUATION of Cristina Álvarez Domínguez

I liked the presentation because it was very well explained and easy to understand perfectly although in my opinion, it was extremely simple and didn't have visual and attractive content with a lot of text, it was simple.

It seemed like not all of you knew the topic in the same way. Some were more active and integrated in  the presentation than others.

One thing I really liked was that you explained the role of the teacher correctly and giving it the importance it has.

The activity was great, creative, dynamic and at the same time you explained some theory which made it understand both parts, the activity and the theory better. It was excellent to work in groups and the perfect one to explain the technique.

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