domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017

Evaluation of the Presentation of "Cooperative Learning". "Education League" group.

EVALUATION of Umaima Kassemi Serroukh

First of all, I have to say that José did a great job wearing Superman costume and above all with his attitude, he is improving and showing an evolution in his shame to speak in public. I just want to encourage him to keep doing it this way. So, Jose congratulations, your production was concise, concrete and clear.

I found this presentation vey dynamic. The design of the Power Point was very original and the information well organized, although I find better writing only single words or what you want to emphasized. In this way the audience is listening to you instead of reading the presentation.

I have learnt from them that it is better not having a helper, instead all must be helper of all the members in the group, this is to work cooperatively. Another thing that I have learnt is that the diary has to be done by all the members, not just by the secretary since it is a reflective activity where all count.

They spoke about the coevaluation which is one of the main characteristics of the Cooperative Learning, and they do it really well.  They also explained the advises for doing the activity really well. Although the steps for the activity were not clear enough.

As I understood, they gave us a questionnaire in order to know in which role of the activity we fit better. The roles were "portor", assistant and the acrobat. Then, each person will be distributed in expert groups where there must be all the same together, so we will find three expert groups. One of the "portors", the second one formed by assistants and the last one by acrobats. There, we should get experts in our role.

The next step was to form base groups where to find at least two "portors" and acrobat and an assistant, which looks after the other members. And explain what we have learnt in the previous group.

To conclude, the theoretical part catches my attention and I enjoyed listening to them. I would have liked performing one of the figure that they have prepared since I could appreciate their effort and their creativity and for me it would have been the first time.

Well done mates!! Love your PowerPoint and blog design.
Looking forward to learning more things form you...   🔝

EVALUATION of Raquel Ezquerra Rodríguez 

The education League presentation was very creative. They caught everyone’s attention since the beginning with the costumes and during the presentation with the animated slides. They were comfortable on their topic, they knew what they were talking about and could answer with confidence to the questions. The content was very well explained and the activity they had designed was an entertaining and fun collaborative activity which engage all of us. To improve for the next presentation, I would suggest to speak to the audience and not to speak to the teacher all the time and also to explain the steps of the activity on the power point. 

Great work, congratulations to all the Education League members!💥

EVALUATION of Cristina Álvarez Domínguez

The staging of the Education League was really creative and the powerpoint was easy to follow even though there was a lot of text written in it but at the same time I found some important key points missing which would have made it a better presentantion.

There was a great surprise in the way Jose did his part, you did a great job!

All of them knew every part of the topic so they could answer anything at any time meaning that they have worked together in the project nevertheless, I think taht more team organization would have been required.

I liked the activity, it was very dynamic, but in my opinion there was a bit chaotic because the stems were not strict and clear.

EVALUATION of Celeste Escalera Béjar

Good job. The way they start the presentation was so creative, they catch our attention in the first minute with the disguises of superhores.

Good job. The power point was so creative and easily to follow. In addition, all the members of the group know the topic and where able to explain it
Work on it. Nevertheless it seems in some moments that some members of the group wanted to talk their mates "part".
Good job. The activity was very dynamic and interactive. Work on it. But at the moment of doing the activity it was a little bit of confusing since the steps wasn't very clear.

Good job Education League 💪

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